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Girl Guides Victoria for Days for Girls Australia

Girl Guides Victoria for Days for Girls Australia

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Girl Guides Victoria for Days for Girls Australia


Hi, my name is Polly and I’m excited to be representing Girl Guides Victoria with our craft ‘Seize the Day’, fundraising for an organisation called Days for Girls Australia.

Days for Girls is an organisation that works to eliminate the stigma and limitations associated with menstruation by providing menstrual health solutions and education for women and girls who would not otherwise have access.

As a Member of Girl Guides, a women’s organisation, this is something that is important to myself and our broader community.

I hope that through our participation at the Birdman Rally and our fundraising efforts, we will help to lift the profile of Days for Girls, as well as the important work that they do throughout our communities.

I’m taking to the skies on Sunday 9 March between 11am and 1pm, and we’d love your support along the banks of the Yarra River. Let’s make some noise!

You can show your support by making a secure online donation and by posting a message with your donation.

Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice.

Thanks so much for your support!

Pilot Polly

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Days for Girls Australia Limited

Days for Girls Australia Limited is a registered not for profit organisation and is a country affiliate of Days for Girls International. Days for Girls works to eliminate the stigma and limitations associated with menstruation by providing menstrual health solutions and education for women and girls who would not otherwise have access. Volunteers in community-based Teams, across Australia, mobilise to create reusable menstrual hygiene products and access to vital health education.

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