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Say No to MelaNOma

Richard Payne

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Say No to MelaNOma


Hi there!

I'm participating in this year's Birdman Rally in honour of Morgan Mansell who very sadly passed away recently from melanoma.  She was just 25 years young.  My chosen charity is Melbourne's very own Alfred Hospital, and I am raising funds to support the amazing research that is being done there in finding a cure for melanoma (the most common cancer in young Aussies and Australia's 3rd most common cancer).

Please help support this vital research by by making a secure fully tax-deductible donation (and please post a message with your donation).

We would also love it if you would come and join in the fun at this year's event (Sunday 9 March from 11am to 1pm) and help LOUDLY cheer us on to help us win an extra $1500 for melanoma research (People’s Choice Award). 

Thanks so much for your support!

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Donate to make a difference

The Alfred

Your support of The Alfred helps the hospital in various ways - by supporting vital medical research, helping purchase equipment items and helping to maintain and redevelop critical Alfred services.

The Alfred Foundation is grateful for the many achievements that have been made possible thanks to the overwhelming support of our community, and is thankful to those who support our goals of providing the very best healthcare to the community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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